Avadhuta Sri Kantammatalli Jeevita Charitra

15 videos • 3,163 views • by Kavyakantha Ganapati Muni #nakedsaints #avadhuta #saintsofindia #digambara #dattatreya Sri Avadhuta Kanthamma Talli (Mother) is a naked saint, meaning she is a Digambari Swaroopini. Mother Kanthamma's life is not only a vibrant tapasvi life but also takes us back to think about marital problems & turmoils women had to go through in the past era. Mother Kanthamma had gone through several hardships of life and finally transformed into an Avadhuta. Luckily, we could trace back some hints given by Mother herself to close disciples. It is Divine will to be able to travel and document as much we could. Camera: @pranavdatta9993 https://www.linkedin.com/in/phanimadh... https://www.instagram.com/rssphanimad... https://www.facebook.com/phanimadhav https://phanimadhavrss.blogspot.com/ #Avadhutavenkayyaswamy #Venkayyaswamy #phanimadhavrss #travelogues #lifehistory #spiritualexperiences #avadhutapolayya #dattasampradayam #hindudevotional