The Russ Martin Show Archive Replays 2002

136 videos • 6,578 views • by Internet Person This is a playlist of uploaded episodes available that aired in 2002. All are presented as-is recorded from an antenna the day they aired. They may play out of order from their original air date. January 2002 is not available in the archive. All episodes were donated from a former RussMartin.Info subscriber like myself and the archive is also available without visuals as a torrent. These are being offered at no charge or subscription cost, so be nice in the comments. Commercials may be present in specific episodes. The show usually started about 15-20 minutes late and these recordings were normally started at 3pm each listening day when commercials were present. I am not able to edit episodes further at this point in case anything is missing. Due to these being what they are, these are available until they are not.