Camper Van & SUV Tours

4 videos • 329 views • by Free The McGees A guided tour of our two travel vehicles: The Adventure Wagon, and The Beast. From 2018 to 2021 we traveled and slept in our SUV that we outfitted to function as a hard sided tent. We show you how we did it for less than $500.00. In 2021 we purchased our first van and did a quick conversion to a "Camper van". This conversion also came in fairly cheap at less than $1000 including bed, frame, and all the storage tubs, curtains, screens, rugs, bedding, etc. We opted to forgo a kitchen, because we don't really like to cook where we sleep. It helps us keep down the chances of bugs and rodents sneaking in and causing havoc. But we do cook often when we are on the road on either our electric or butane stove. We keep all the normal kitchen utensils you'd find in a regular RV in a tub under the bed. We simply pull out the tub and cook on a picnic table or our portable table if one is not available. Kim designed the stool where we keep our toilet, TP, cedar shavings and extra Eco Gel. We plan on installing swivels for the front seats in the future and coming up with a more permanent solution for the curtains than the cords we have them running on now. Any updates will be added to this playlist.