Our Black Brown Indegeneous Birthright
5 videos • 0 views • by Queen Of Jamaica Jahan Richards Do not call Kamala Harris a black woman. When you call her black this is causing DEPRESSION and ANXIETY fear confusion anger self hate and stress with the Brown skin black Indian little girls. Kamala Harris is not a Indian. She is a mukaka coloured middle eastern European woman. Black people especially black woman please stop giving away our birthright to middle eastern people for free. They received the Indian title by a mistake the Christopher Columbus made a long time ago. Black people fail to defend the Indegenous Indian title so middle eastern people just took it. They are ripping off the innocent little Brown skin black Indian little girls who do not have anyone who is competent enough to assist them. Black people do not know their self worth and they do not know what is their birthright. We are asking you people to not call Kamala Harris a Indian black woman. Please and thank you.