XI CBSE Complete Chemistry

113 videos • 166 views • by EntrancePrime India Introduction of Chemistry Concept of Atomic Mass & Molecular Mass Mole Concept Mole Concept Molar Mass More Detailed Explanation of Mole Concept Examples on Calculation of Mole Percentage Composition Empirical Formula, Molecular Formula Solved Examples Stoichiometry & Stoichiometric Calculations limiting Reagents Solved Examples Application of Mole Concept Molarity Molality Normality Formality Mole Fraction Relation in Mole Fraction & Molality Concept of Solution Solved Examples John Dalton Atomic Theory Discovery of Electron Discovery of Proton Discovery of Neutron Properties of Fundamental Particles of Atom Electromagnetic Radiation Wave Length, Frequency, Velocity, Wave Number Time Period, Atomic Number, Isotopes, Isotones Isosters, Isodiapheres Atomic Models - Thomson, Rutherford, Bohr Calculation of Radius for Bohr Atomic Model Calculation of Energy Derivation of Some Formulas Solved Examples More on Bohr Atomic Model Calculation for Velocity or Electron in Bohr Model Limitation of Bohr Atomic Model Various Solved Examples Spectrum Hydrogen Spectrum Quantum Numbers Orbitals Electronic Configuration Aufbau Principle Pauli Exclusion Principle Hund's Rule Schrodinger Wave Equation Lavoisier Classification Protus Hypothesis Dobereiner Traid Rule Newland Octave Rule Lother Meyer's Curve Medelief's Periodic Table Long Form of Periodic Table (Modern PT) Modern Periodic Table More on Long form or Periodic Table Block Chemistry Size of Atoms of Elements Z- Effect Lanthanide Contraction Ionization Enthalpy Various Attributes of Ionization Energy Metallic Character Electron-Negativity (EN) Electron Gain Enthalpy Valancy Oxidation Number Chemical Bond Ionic Bond, Electrovalent Bond Lattice Enthalpy Covalent Bond Coordinate Bond, Sharing or Dative Bond Metallic Bond Kossel-Lewis Concept Covalent Bonding Hybridisation Types of Hybridisation Overlapping Orbital Diagram Short Tricks for Hybridisation Overlapping, Pauling Types of Overlapping More on Orbital Diagrams Valancy Bond Theory (VBT) VSEPR More on VSEPR Theory Hybridisation VSEPR Theory Continue Molecular Orbital Theory (MOT) Bond Order, Bond Strength Magnetic Properties Molecular Diagram of Different Molecules Fajan's Rule Dipole Moment Basic Concept of Organic Chemistry Classification of Organic Compounds Functional Groups Homologues Nomenclature IUPAC-Alkane IUPAC-Alkene IUPAC-Alkyne Secondary Functional Group Carboxylic Acid Acid Anhydride Ester Acid Halide Acid Amide Nitrile Isonitrile Aldehyde Ketone Alcohol Amine Ether Bicyclo Spiro Compounds Isomerism Chain Isomerism Position Isomerism Functional Group Isomerism Tautomerism Metamerism Geometrical Isomerism Optical Isomerism Optical Isomerism Continue Previous Years Questions General Organic Chemistry (GOC) Bond Cleavage Homolytic Fission Free Tadical Order of Stability Hetrolytic Fission Carbocation Carboanion Electronic Displacement Inductive Effect Resonance Resonance- Continue Mesomeric Effect Application of Various Effects Some More Problems Ring Expansion Substitution Reactions SN1 Mechanism SN2 Mechanism Examples on Substitution Reactions Addition Reaction More on Addition Reaction Kharash Effect Nucleophilic Addition Reaction Elimination Reaction Alkane Basic Preparation Methods Wurtz, Frankylands, Corey House Reactions Physical & Chemical Properties of Alkane More on Physical & Chemical Properties of Alkane Preparation of Alkene Preparation of Alkene Physical & Chemical Properties of Alkene Solved Examples More on Physical & Chemical Properties of Alkene More Reactions on Alkenes More Reactions on Alkenes Important Questions Alkyne Basic Preparation Methods Important Questions Properties of Alkyne Hydrocarboration Important Questions Oxidation of Alkyne Polymerisation of Alkyne Acid Base Concept More on Reaction on Alkyne Aromatic Compound Types Examples Benzene Methods of Preparation Phenol Important Questions Chemical Reactions of Benzene Examples More on Chemical Properties Examples Some more Reactions on Benzene Examples Pollution Atmosphere Green House Effect Global Warming Acid Rain Smog Ozone Layer Depletion Ozone Hole Introduction Description of Group-1A Various Reactions More Reactions of Group-1A Elements Anomalous Behaviour Diagonal Relationship Various Compounds Physical Properties Chemical Properties Examples Washing Soda Solvay Process Baking Soda Group 2 Elements Description of Group-2 Anomalous Behaviour of Group 2 Elements Diagonal Relationship of Group 2 Elements Matter Intermolecular Forces Characteristics Properties of Gases Boyel's Law Charl's Law Gay-Lussac's Law Avogadro's Hypothesis Ideal Gas Equation Dalton's Partial Pressure Law Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gas Ideal Gas & Real Gas Ideal & Real Gas Continue Critical Temperature, Volume & Pressure Liquid State of Matter Vapour Pressure Surface Tension Viscosity Introduction Isolated System Extensive & Intensive Properties State Function Isothermal Process Adiabatic Process Isochoric Process Reversible & Irreversible