7-Day lockdown protest clips - August18

24 videos • 318 views • by hckr4evr On Monday, Aug 17th, 2020, the Prime Minister of The Bahamas Hubert Minnis made an announcement at 8pm for a 7-day full #covid19 lockdown of The Bahamas. This lockdown was to take immediate effect - No movement within the Bahamian population except for emergencies only. The announcement caught many by surprise as it was made two days before the end of a prior 2-week lockdown where essential services were only open on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Many Bahamians were not ready for the 7-day full lockdown. The Bahamas has been under sustained national curfews since March 20, 2020. Unemployment is at record levels and the national economy is in trouble as Tourism, which made up over 60% of the GDP, is now effectively nullified due to #covid19. These videos highlight small pockets of protests across the capital on Tuesday August 18, 2020. That afternoon, the Prime Minister reversed the decision of the 7-day lockdown due to hurricane activity potentially threatening our shores later this week.