Tale of Purt II
3 videos • 301 views • by TAmari The sequel to Tale of Purt and Heirs of Rage, taking place some undefined amount of time after HoR. Originally recorded on 9/18/2017. Played by Marc as Submission 8 of Ragefest V and first uploaded on 11/22/2017. This was something of a trial run for me; back before Marc actually played this submission, Avraxas asked me if I wanted to playtest his brother's submission. That's how I met the guy. He's nice. You should go check out his work and give him support and stuff: http://seityr.deviantart.com/ The entire game was recorded in a single sitting, but due to my perfectionism and simultaneous lack of focus it took forever and a half to edit properly. My commentary is pretty lackluster if you were to ask me, with too much dead air and what have you. I tend to perform tasks best if uninterrupted for the entire duration, so Part 1 for example was literally edited in a single *six hour* sitting. Yes. I probably am crazy. ...on that note, nothing makes you notice your common phrases more than painstakingly editing a recording of yourself. Heavens me. That said, I did do some fairly extensive editing, including making my nice and fancy video frame. Some of the editing is to pop in snarky post-commentary, but most of it was for the sake of effects. (Such as adding SFX where there were none, as well as trying to dynamically match the background color to the gameplay.) This stuff is especially evident in Part 3. Honestly, that sorta thing is my favorite kind of stuff to do.