The Reflections timeline

8 videos • 314 views • by Aj61406 Kurt Cobain survives a heroin overdose on April 5, 1994, the day he would have died on. He goes through hell and back, eventually making painting and writting a career for nearly two decades, leaving Nirvana behind during that period of time, while his close friend Dave Grohl still forms the Foo Fighters. Kurt returns to meeting Nirvana fans in public by 2001 after recovering, signing autographs and copies of his books and artwork, the artwork usually being sold to collectors or exhibits in the future. He occasionally records music for his own leisure at his home, with two demos later going on to become Nirvana songs. Years later in 2014, in a similar fashion to David Bowie, Kurt decides to make a final album with his Nirvana bandmates and Taylor Hawkins after learning that he has cancer, due to a history of abusing drugs. Unfortunately, Kurt Cobain would pass away in February of 2015, with some of his books and other material being released by his bandmates and daughter Frances Bean Cobain posthumously in his honor