
135 videos • 76,658 views • by Johnson Ng 楊慶球牧師為倫敦大學哲學博士,研究現代神學及哲學思想。 1999年在中國神學研究院為神學科教授,兼任中國文化研究中心主任。自2000年起,楊博士曾為武漢大學、中山大學宗教系博士生指導博士論文,後任人民大學、四川大學及蘭州大學客座講師至今,亦為復旦大學《基督教學術論叢》學術委員會委員,專著甚豐。 楊慶球牧師博士 Rev. Dr. Jason Hing Kau Yeung 神學教授 Professor of Theology B.A. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong M. Div. Lutheran Concordia Seminary, Canada Dip.Ed. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Th.M. Southeast Asia Graduate School of Theology, Philippines M. Phil. King's College, University of London, U.K. Ph.D. University of London, U.K. BIOGRAPHY : 1987-1995 Senior Pastor of Ottawa Chinese Alliance Church 1989 January Ordained pastor by Christian and Missionary Alliance Church of Canada, Eastern District. 1994 Visiting Professor of Regent College, University of British Columbia, Canada 1995 Visiting Professor of Canadian Theological Seminary, Canada 1995-1999 Associate Professor, Alliance Bible Seminary, Hong Kong 1999 Professor in Theology and Culture China Graduate School of Theology 1999 Chief Editor, China Graduate School of Theology Journal 2000 Senior Pastor, Tai Po Rhenish Church, Hong Kong 2002 Visiting Professor in China: Renmin (People) University of China(Beijing); Sichuan University (Chungdu); Wuhan University (Wuhan) PUBLICATIONS : Being and Knowing: An Examiantion of T F Torrance's Theological Science (Hong Kong: Alliance Bible Seminary, 1996) Author of the entries of "Chinese Religions, Confucianism and Science in China; Chinese Religions and Science; Chinese Religions, History of Science and Religion in China." in Encyclopedia of Science and Religion by Wentzel Van Huyssteen (Editor), Macmillan Library Reference, New York, 2003 Author of the entries of "Ancestors" in Global dictionary of Theology by William A. Dyrness and Veli-Matti Karkkainen (editor), IVP Academic, Downers Grove, Illinois, 2008. 《成聖與自由︰王陽明與西方基督教思想比較》(香港︰建道神學院,1996) 《會遇系統神學》(香港︰中國神學研究院,2000) 《証主聖經神學辭典》中文版主編 (香港︰証主,2001) 《俗世尋真︰基督教與近代哲學》 (香港︰宣道,2002) 《馬丁路德思想研究》 (香港︰基道,2002) 《神學的哲學基礎》(香港︰天道,2004) 《中國文化新視域︰從基督教觀點看中國文化》(香港︰三聯書店,2004,2005再版) 《民主與民本︰洛克與黃宗羲的政治及宗教思想》(香港︰三聯書店,2005) 《基督教不可信?兼駁哲道行者》(香港︰天道,2006) 《我信﹑我行︰屬靈成長階梯》(香港︰天道,2006) 《靈風起舞︰聖靈教義及靈恩運動》(香港︰宣道,2007) 其他學術論文超過三十篇 AREA OF SPECIALIZATION : 教會歷史 (Church History) 系統神學 (Systematic Theology) 基督教與中國文化(Christianity and Chinese Culture) 哲學與基督教思想史(History of Philosophy and Christian thought)