14 videos • 10,411 views • by Yanerfei Classic Silhouette 超高分犯罪片《冰血暴第一季》是亞當·伯恩斯坦執導,科恩兄弟監製,Noah Hawley編劇,馬丁·弗瑞曼和比利·鮑伯·松頓等主演的美國犯罪題材電視劇!講述的是一事無成的中年保險推銷員萊斯特,在家裡被老婆瞧不起,在外面受到老同學欺負。直至遇到由神秘殺手馬爾沃,從此開始自己的犯罪之路的故事。該劇於2014年4月15日在美國FX有線電視網首播。\\The high-scoring crime film "Frozen Season 1" is an American crime drama directed by Adam Bernstein, produced by the Coen Brothers, written by Noah Hawley, and starring Martin Freeman and Billy Bob Thornton. ! It is about Lester, a middle-aged insurance salesman who has achieved nothing, who is looked down upon by his wife at home and bullied by his old classmates outside. Until the encounter with the mysterious killer Malvo, the story of his own criminal road began. The series premiered on the FX cable network in the United States on April 15, 2014.