TheHunter Call of The Wild Season 3
47 videos • 64 views • by Kurigo Thehunter Call Of The Wild Gameplay We are currently hunting in Medved Taiga Russia and in this beautiful Hunting reserve there is a lot to do ! From hunting Eurasian Brown Bear, Moose, Musk Deer, Wild Boars,Reindeer, and Eurasian Lynx. And all that in a frozen landscape. As a hunter in cotw, we have missions from fellow workers in the Reserve, From our local warden Elena, to other specialist like: Gunther Baden, Anatoly Barnyashev, Dr. Columbus Neidel, Dimitri Pushkin, Katerina Khasavovna, Geoergy Grankin, Dr. Svetlana Isakova and they all have plenty of missions for us to go trough. 🤝Join our channel by subscribing it is free. 🤝Support the Channel: Become a VIP Member My gaming channel is all about gaming, and commentary. We commentate about many things during our adventures. From hot topics, opinions, self actualization and more. The commentary style focus is to be my self. I grew up with video games from Sega, Nintendo and MS-DOS in the early days to modern gaming platforms from PlayStation, Xbox and PC gaming. I have a big interest in diverse games, from FPS to RPG, MMORPG and RTS to Simulators and more. #TheHunterCOTW #hunting #COTW