9 videos • 742 views • by BabyKirbi In Canon order, here is My Gacha Series The Story of My Main OCs. All these Gacha videos lead to a big story. This series going to have romantic, fun challenges, singing battles, backstories, GLM stories, etc. This series will also tackle deep topic including depression, grief, losing someone special in your life, other tough topics. Of course, there is going to be a fun videos with my OCs, but I want this series' inspiration if anyone is related to my ocs problems. I want to touch viewer hearts to know your not anyone and regards what you going through and your past is not too late to come back to Jesus Christ because he can still change your life and He loves you. IF THIS IS ANY TOPIC MAKING YOU UNCOMFORTABLE I HIGHLY RECOMMEND NOT WATCHING THOSE VIDEOS. I hope you guys enjoy the gacha series I'm putting together for all of you. 🤍Colossians 3:23-24🤍 Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ. My OCs: 💗Nyla💗🖤Darien🖤 💛Chyna💛❤️Blake❤️ 💜Bella💜💙Neo💙 💚Uva💚🤍Ryder🤍 & 2 New OCs Coming Soon... #gachalife #gachaclub #gachacommunity