Google Autocomplete Interview on Sugars and Health

12 videos • 822 views • by Canadian Sugar Institute Nutrition Information Service Do you have questions about sugars? Canadian nutrition researcher Nick Bellissimo and dietitian Christy Brissette answer some of the most frequently searched questions on Google. Nick Bellissimo has a PhD in nutritional physiology. His research focuses on how people regulate their food intake, and particularly how diet composition, exercise and the environment can help with the prevention and treatment of obesity. His ultimate goal is to find a better way to prevent it and treat it once it is present. Christy Brissette is a registered dietitian with a Master's in Nutritional Sciences. She counsels clients, writes for some of the top newspapers and magazines in North America and is often on the national news talking about the latest nutrition research. Her areas of expertise include obesity, diabetes, and cancer. For more information, visit