4 videos • 3 views • by White Angel Messages 🍀Sometimes the messages just arrive unexpectedly ... In this PLAYLIST you'll find messages for you, video recorded in various places - LIVE, with background sounds and anything unexpected. Nothing is filtered, All is real. 🤍Welcome to White Angel Messages!!! This channel is for your healing, guidance, and general happiness! On this channel I'll be giving you messages from the Devine through various mediums: channelled messages, music, travel videos, card readings (collective, by zodiac sign, and other groupings) and much more. If you found this video, there's a reason... Browse the channel... Hi, I’m Angel! In my past lives I was a Viking, Martyr, Native American Warrior, Australian Wizard. In this lifetime, I’m a healer & medium called to share my gifs with you. My words are only for guidance, so follow your intuition. Love & Light, -Angel Freedom is the core of our existence; our authenticity is our freedom. 📢 Check out my POSTS on the COMMUNITY page for announcements, pictures, insights to upcoming activities and messages. 📅 Stay Updated: I regularly post content focusing on zodiac tarot readings, astrology predictions, and more to help you align with the universe’s energies. #channelling #channelledguidance #channelledmessages #channelledsong #spirutuality #love #spiritualguidance #spiritualawakening #spiritualjourney #spiritualgrowth #spiritualhealing