Expanding Your Mind

500 videos • 45 views • by Jeremy R. Wright Scholarly content, ranging from history, mythology, theology, geology, biology, language, esoterics. Here lies the dispelling of popular but false narratives and explanations of topics a bit too complex for the average eye to see, clearly. These are the studies of a Christian priest, to better know what is. Not all is for the faint of heart, but for the curious and reverent, who need to know who they are, where this all came from, and where we are going, and how people on the very forefront of knowledge think and propagate new knowledge. Be prepared to have your mind blown, and eyes opened, to the world, in a huge multitude of ways, and in many deep topics. You will be enlightened, if you hold the prerequisite knowledge to comprehend what is being discussed. It's okay to pause and perform searches, and I assure you I do this, as well.