Graphs and Descriptive Statistics with R-Series 2 | R Statistical Software Tutorial Videos | MarinStatsLectures
11 videos • 102,537 views • by MarinStatsLectures-R Programming & Statistics R Course for Beginners; Series 2: Graphs and Descriptive Statistics with R (11 videos) In Series 2 of R Programming video tutorials, we will learn to produce descriptive statistics (various plots) and numeric summaries (mean, standard deviation and more) for our data with R. These tutorials will show you: • how to produce bar charts and pie charts in R • how to produce boxplots and grouped boxplots in R • how to produce stratified boxplots in R • how to produce histograms in R • how to produce stem and leaf plots in R • how to produce stacked bar charts, grouped bar charts, and mosaic plots in R • how to produce scatter plots using R programming language • how to calculate mean, standard deviation and frequencies in R • how to customize the look of our plots in R, like changing the size of axis labels, changing the fonts, changing colour, changing the plotting character, adding the regression line to plots in R, adding points of observation to plots, and more • how to add text and legends to plots in R These videos can be used by beginners in R. No prior knowledge of R programming is needed, just a passion to learn! But we highly recommend watching the first series of R video tutorials first ( The Datasets used in these lectures are available to students to help them learn by practicing on their own! You can access and download the free datasets here: ►► Like to support us? You can Donate (! Money is tight? Share our videos with your friends and help us reach more people! Here are some more of our Videos and Courses: ►Intro to Statistics Course: ►Data Science with R ►Getting Started with R (Series 1): ►Graphs and Descriptive Statistics in R (Series 2): ►Probability distributions in R (Series 3): ►Bivariate analysis in R (Series 4): ►Linear Regression in R (Series 5): ►ANOVA Concept and with R ►Hypothesis Testing: Follow MarinStatsLectures Subscribe: website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Our Team: Content Creator: Mike Marin (B.Sc., MSc.) Senior Instructor at UBC. Producer and Creative Manager: Ladan Hamadani (B.Sc., BA., MPH) These videos are created by #marinstatslectures to support some courses at The University of British Columbia (UBC) (#IntroductoryStatistics and #RVideoTutorials for Health Science Research), although we make all videos available to the everyone everywhere for free. Thanks for watching! Have fun and remember that statistics is almost as beautiful as a unicorn!