Statistics with R Programming Language: Step by Step | MarinStatsLectures

62 videos • 51,771 views • by MarinStatsLectures-R Programming & Statistics The Statistics with R Programming Languages video series will first explain a statistical concepts followed by how to use R programming software to implement these concepts. The statistics tutorials go over the popular topics covered in many intro and intermediate statistics courses. The R programming tutorials shows step by step how to implement these concepts. Videos are arranged to first watch the tutorial explaining a concept and learn about the statistics concept without getting into the details of calculations , and then the next video will show how to use R statistical software for the relevant calculation. We believe that the best way of learning is by doing, so we have all the datasets and r scripts available for download for free so the students can have hand on experience and practice what they have learned at their own pace. you can find the R practice datasets and Scripts on out website ( ►► Like to support us? You can Donate (, Money is tight? Share our videos with your friends and let our videos reach more people! Follow MarinStatsLectures Subscribe: website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Our Team: Content Creator: Mike Marin (B.Sc., MSc.) Senior Instructor at UBC. Producer and Creative Manager: Ladan Hamadani (B.Sc., BA., MPH) These videos are created by #marinstatslectures to support some courses at The University of British Columbia (UBC) (#IntroductoryStatistics and #RVideoTutorials for Health Science Research), although we make all videos available to the everyone everywhere for free. Thanks for watching! Have fun and remember that statistics is almost as beautiful as a unicorn!