VENUS Chart Harmony (Planetary Remediation for Love, Money, and Enoughness)

32 videos • 106 views • by Bonnie Gillespie Venus is the planet of love, money, and enoughness. She is a magnet for everything she wants in life (as are we, when we stop blocking ourselves with a whole bunch of non-Venus clutter in the form of societal beliefs that aren't even our own and well-practiced negative self-talk about whether we deserve it). Good news! Venus isn't into the DESERVE business! There's no EARNING what you want. There's just craving it, fantasizing about it, and receiving it with ease. Ooh, it's so much fun having Venus working her magic! This playlist was originally created as a part of Bonnie Gillespie's "44 Days with Venus" (which you can check out over here among other goodies). Suggestions for additions to this fabulous playlist are always welcomed! Of course... some songs are a better fit for other planets, or signs, or houses. (More on all of that in our "Astrology Vision Board Party!" at that same link.) Remember, you don't have to understand astrology; you just need Chart Harmony! Simple rituals and remedies for balancing your life with ease!