Goddesses in women

1 videos • 26 views • by Chinwendu P. Nze We are all one, but not the same. The universe, God, or whatever you call the source of all things, expresses itself uniquely as each of us. We all have different ways, peculiar to us, in which we interact with the world. Your peculiar way is your authenticity. With these variations come different personalities, archetypes, human design, and other ways and categories people can be classified for a better understanding of the complex nature of a human being. As women, we are not left out. One of the interesting archetypes I have seen out there is about the goddesses in every woman. It is a book by Jean Shinoda Bolen. It is a classic work of female psychology and very relatable. It gave some sort of inspiration for the book that will be out soon that I wrote for and about women. Anyone can read it. These goddesses in women manifest at different seasons and stages of a woman's life. Here is a brief summary of them: 1. Artemis: You are in your Artemis era if all that matters to you is freedom. She is a sister and a competitor. Her characteristics are intelligence and independence. She is fearless and doesn't cower. She never married. She is alive in you if marrying and having children does not ring true to you like mine. She could be prevalent all your life or at a certain stage, just like all of them. She is a virgin goddess who never married. Can you see yourself in her? 2. Athena: She is the strategist. If you are more career-oriented, working alongside men and outdoing them in most cases, she is the one most prevalent in you. She sides with the patriarchy. She is ruled by her logical mind rather than her heart. So she leads with her head and not her heart. This is just how this archetype shows up in us. Nothing is wrong with it. She is also one of the virgin goddesses. She never married. She chose to remain a companion and ally of the powerful men whom she gets their confidence in her through her intelligence and ability to get things done. 3. Hestia: This is the goddess of the hearth. She is the goddess of devotion. If you find yourself more in your inner world and choose your own company just to be alone in your inner world, she is mostly active in you. She is the one active in you when you are on your journey of healing and self-realisation because you are called inward and alone. She is another virgin goddess who never married because she prefers her devotion to the inner world to the activities of the outer world. She is a mystic. If you feel like this, then she is mostly activated. 4. Aphrodite: She is the goddess of love. She is the most refuted and hated in society because of her wild and untamed nature of expressing love. Women whose dominant goddess is Aphrodite are called derogatory names because they can even be married and have other lovers. It may become the dominant one in a teenage girl, and she may end up pregnant. She is prominent for someone who is just about men and love. She is who she is, and it is left for you to bring self-awareness when she is the one dominant in you. Nothing is wrong with this archetype except our thinking, which makes it so. 5. Hera: She is one of the vulnerable goddesses. She is the goddess of marriage, a commitment-maker, and a wife. If she is active in you, you will actively pursue being married. She represents a woman's yearning to be a wife. So, if she is active as a woman, her grief over not being married can be so deep. This person will feel like they are nothing without being married to a man. The whole 'Mrs. Somebody thing' is her entire motivation. She becomes truly happy when she finally gets her heart's desire. She won't understand why someone will not want to marry, just like someone like Artemis, and Athena may not understand why someone like her is keen on being married. These are just the archetypal differences. Nothing is wrong with any of them. Can you see why you are the way you are and others are the way they are?   6. Demeter: She is the nurturer and the mother archetype. She is another vulnerable goddess. How Hera perceives marriage is how Demeter perceives being a mother in terms of importance. She can go to any length to protect her children. She represents maternal instinct. She is the matriarch. Hera and Aphrodite can be mothers too, but she is the embodiment of motherhood. It is her calling. Lol She is active in someone whose desire is to have children. She represents the maternal instinct in us to give birth to children or other things. For instance, my books and other creations are my children. I see them as such. What era are you in?