EMOTIONAL DANCE ACTION - Sentiti libero - Marilena Ravaioli

4 videos • 1,016 views • by Marilena Ravaioli Dance Art Danza emozionale. LA DANZA COME UNA CURA. Ritorno all’origine. Scrivere in due parole il senso della playlist non è semplice. Le danze emozionali, improvvisate, nascono dentro di me liberamente, senza costrizioni ; attraverso la musica, che ha un ruolo fondamentale, le mie sensazione ed emozioni si trasferiranno al corpo dando vita ad un movimento libero, che mi fa sentire bene. Emotional dance action After studying a lot, approaching the study of classical dance in a professional way, and then adding the study of modern, hip hop and aerial dance, my reflections on movement and how beautiful it is to move, brought me back to origin. Now to write in two words here the sense of the playlist is not easy. In summary, I will insert here videos in which you will see emotional dances, very often improvised, that are born inside me freely, without constraints; through music, which has a fundamental role, my feelings and emotions will transfer to the body.