81 videos • 1,260 views • by Walk around Japan 大阪府は、日本の近畿地方に位置する府。府庁所在地は大阪市。大阪は悠久の歴史に彩られた街として、古墳時代(難波時代)より都心(上町、安土桃山期以降は船場)を中心にその繁栄を謳歌し続けてきた。「大阪府」は明治期に制定された比較的新しい行政区域であり、実際の都市域とは乖離がある。そのため、大阪の都市勢は府域を越え近隣に広がる(→いわゆる大阪都市圏、京阪神大都市圏)。古来よりアジア圏から広く人を求心してきた歴史を有し、令和期でもアジアで最も住みよい都市として評され、その求心力は絶えることがない。 Osaka Prefecture is a prefecture located in the Kinki region of Japan. The prefectural capital is Osaka City. As a city steeped in a long history, Osaka has continued to enjoy its prosperity since the Kofun period (Namba period), centering on the city center (Kamimachi, and Semba after the Azuchi-Momoyama period). "Osaka Prefecture" is a relatively new administrative district established in the Meiji period, and there is a gap from the actual urban area. As a result, the urban population of Osaka spreads beyond the prefectural limits into neighboring areas (→so-called Osaka metropolitan area, Keihanshin metropolitan area). It has a history of attracting people from all over Asia since ancient times, and even in the Reiwa era, it has been described as the most livable city in Asia, and its centripetal force continues.