Columbia CryptoEconomics 2023 – Day 3 Working Session

6 videos • 488 views • by Columbia Engineering Economics and incentives are a critical part of the design of modern layer-1 blockchain protocols such as Ethereum. For example, scarce resources like blockspace require careful pricing. Block rewards, transaction fees, and maximal extracted value (MEV) must be shared across the stakeholders in the system, and participants must be incentivized appropriately. Subtle game theory governs the interactions between block builders, block proposers, and end users. Many of these economic and game-theoretic challenges are specific to the blockchain application domain, necessitating new models, new mechanisms, and new analysis frameworks. The invitation-only working session on Dec. 8th primarily consists of breakout sessions that facilitate direct discussions among attendees. This is a follow-on event to the main workshop on December 6-7. Hosts: Briger Family Digital Finance Lab at Columbia Business School School of Engineering and Applied Science at Columbia University Ethereum Foundation Organizers: Davide Crapis (Ethereum Foundation) Justin Drake (Ethereum Foundation) Ciamac Moallemi (Columbia) Barnabé Monnot (Ethereum Foundation) Mike Neuder (Ethereum Foundation) Tim Roughgarden (Columbia / a16z crypto) Danny Ryan (Ethereum Foundation)