How to ACTUALLY Get Out of Debt

7 videos • 2,915 views • by Maurice Moves This season includes a free workbook that pairs with these videos. "How to get out of debt?" is a question most of us will ask ourselves at some point in our lives. Being in debt sucks. It's a constant and consistent pressure that gets in the way of pretty much every other aspect of life, and worst of all, deteriorates relationships, including the one we have with ourselves. I had dug myself into over $27,000 in consumer debt, and finally figured out how to become debt-free in less than two years. No, I didn't have a very high-paying job (about $15/hour at the time), and no, there wasn't a magic-bullet. It was figuring out a process that was both human and realistic. One of my favourite quotes is by L. Bernstein, who said: "To achieve great things, we need a plan, and not-quite-enough time." This is the exact step-by-step process I used, that first and foremost, treats us like human beings, and builds towards becoming debt-free as quickly as possible. No ridiculous cliché advice like "stop buying fancy coffees", or "stop dining out". Real, actionable, and most of all, guided (with a 100% no-strings-attached free workbook). If you have any questions, feel free to comment on any of the videos. I try my absolute hardest to respond to each and every one. Let's all get out of debt!