English | Class 12 | PSEB | Crash Course | Full Preparation | a Rainbow of English | in Punjabi

4 videos • 3 views • by Mathematical Gamer Welcome to the ultimate crash course for Class 12 English, specially designed for students under the Punjab School Education Board (PSEB). This playlist covers the entire syllabus, focusing on the textbook "A Rainbow of English." Delivered in Punjabi, each video provides thorough explanations of chapters, poems, and grammar topics, ensuring you have a strong understanding of the material. Whether you're revising for exams, catching up on missed lessons, or aiming for top marks, this playlist is your go-to resource for comprehensive English preparation. Join us and make your learning experience enjoyable and effective! Hashtags: #Class12English #PSEB #EnglishCrashCourse #ARainbowOfEnglish #PunjabiMedium #ExamPreparation #EnglishLiterature #GrammarLessons #PunjabiEducation Alternate Titles: Class 12 English Crash Course | PSEB | Full Syllabus in Punjabi PSEB Class 12 English | A Rainbow of English | Complete Preparation in Punjabi Full English Preparation for Class 12 | PSEB Crash Course | Punjabi Explanation A Rainbow of English: Class 12 PSEB | Comprehensive Crash Course in Punjabi