The Hidden Lies of Modern Medicine
11 videos • 2 views • by John R. Miles What if everything we thought we knew about health was part of a bigger deception? This playlist, curated by Passion Struck host John R. Miles, exposes the hidden truths behind modern medicine and how the very industry designed to heal us might be causing more harm than good. Through eye-opening interviews with whistleblowers, medical experts, and investigative journalists, we uncover the shocking realities of overprescription, pharmaceutical influence, and the suppression of natural healing methods. Explore the darker side of the medical industry, challenge what you've been told, and learn how to take control of your health in a system designed to profit from your sickness. #hiddenhealthtruths #johnrmiles #passionstruckpodcast #healthdeception #overprescription #bigpharmatruths #modernmedicinescam #naturalhealing #medicalwhistleblowers #profitfromsickness #takecontrolofyourhealth #healthrevolution #healingwithoutmeds #healthcaredeception #naturalremedies #healthempowerment #questionthesystem #overprescription #medicaltruths #healthfreedom #wellnessrevolution #healthcareawakening #bigpharmadeception #healthexposed #takecontrolofyourhealth #medicalcorruption #wellnesswarriors #profitoverpatients #questionmainstreammedicine #healthjourney #beyondconventional