The Blue Beetle (1940)

50 videos • 9,691 views • by Old Time Radio Researchers OTRR-maintained set v. 2307 of The Blue Beetle (1940), all episodes. The Blue Beetle follows the exploits of Dan Garret, a rookie patrolman who, by wearing bullet-proof blue chain mail, transformed himself into the mysterious Blue Beetle, a daring crusader for justice. After his father was killed by a gangster's bullet, young Dan Garret joined the New York Police Department, but soon tired of the slow pace and red tape of police work. With the help of his friend and mentor, drug-store proprietor Dr. Franz, Garret acquired a costume of bullet-proof chainmail-like cellulose material and began a second life fighting crime as The Blue Beetle. Garret’s calling card was a small, beetle-shaped marker that he left in conspicuous places to alert criminals to his presence, using their fear of his crime-fighting reputation as a weapon against them. For this purpose, he also used a Beetle Signal flashlight. The Blue Beetle's reputation was not his only weapon, however. He carried a revolver in a blue holster on his belt and was sometimes shown wearing a multi-pouched belt after the style set by Batman. Also in the Batman vein, the Blue Beetle had a Beetle Mobile car and a Beetle Bird airplane. In at least one radio adventure he carries something called a “magic ray machine.” The ray machine was a sort of super-scientific cutting device. The Blue Beetle was created by Charles Nicholas. The character made his first appearance in August of 1939 in the comic book Mystery Men #1, published by Fox Features Syndicate. A newspaper strip of the Blue Beetle’s adventures appeared in early 1940. The character continued at Charlton Comics and was revised in 1964 with the original Blue Beetle reincarnated in a new body with his name changed from Garret to Garrett. In 1983-84 DC Comics passed the role to Ted Kord which continued at DC Comics in 1985 where he continues to appear unto the present day, although in “retirement”. The current Blue Beetle is Jaime Reye, a teenager from El Paso, a new and different, dark and spooky version with a new costume. The Blue Beetle radio program aired as early as April 30, 1940 in the Durham, NC, market and a Variety article indicates a total of 27 half-hour adventures were produced. The show sometimes aired in fifteen-minute segments and sometimes in thirty-minute segments depending on the station, so the total number of episodes existing in collectors’ circles is either 24 or 48 depending on their length. Actor Frank Lovejoy provided the voice of the Blue Beetle for the first thirteen episodes. Later episodes were uncredited. Virginia Coyle was credited in one newspaper as playing Helen Downey and Charles Nicholas, the character’s creator, was identified in numerous articles as writing the radio scripts. The Blue Beetle ran as a syndicated show across many stations during 1940 and 1941. Newspaper listings indicate interest in the program cooled in subsequent years, but it could still be found on the air as late as 1946.