Medicare Pieces - Understanding the Different Parts of Medicare

11 videos • 242 views • by Medicare on Video - HealthPlan65 Parts Of Medicare Medicare is a bit challenging to take in. It can be easy to get confused and even frustrated with the program with all the parts involved. Even with an agent at hand, It can be challenging to get a reasonable explanation that is simple to understand. This can make it harder for you can make the best choice for your health. Medicare as a plan has evolved over the past few decades. Because of that, it is even more confusing as it is now divided into four different parts. Why are there so many parts to Medicare? What does each part of Medicare cover? Do I have to have each part of Medicare? If you’re confused by these questions, you’re not alone! We are going to take a dive into the 4 different Parts of Medicare. Each part of Medicare will be broken down so you’ll have a much deeper and better understanding of what each part does and how it relates to you and your ongoing healthcare needs. Health insurance should be easy to understand when we are in our retirement years! The first step to simplifying this maze, is getting all of our pieces (or parts) in order and defined. The Four Parts of Medicare Part A is Hospital Insurance. Part B is Medical Insurance. Part C is the Medicare Advantage Plans. Part D is Your Prescription Plans. Though this list is relatively basic, it’ll give you a basic idea of what each does. Below, you get an in-depth look that’ll explain each part to increase your understanding and dispel any questions or confusion you may have. If this wasn’t confusing enough, there are also some parts that don’t fall under a letter! Medicare Supplement Plans, also known as MediGap plans, can take over for your Part C coverage, rather than enrolling in a Medicare Advantage plan.