Sustainable Together

7 videos • 28 views • by Goethe-Institut Subsaharan Africa ‘Sustainable Together’ is a regional project that focuses on sustainability and civil society initiatives that seek to make an impactful contribution to improving (local) environments. The programme aims to initiate and support creative and community-based interventions related to ecology and sustainability issues and priorities. It also aims to raise awareness, facilitate dialogue and provide a higher level of visibility to ecology and sustainability related matters. Through providing financial grants for the conceptualisation, design and implementation of projects run by local structures and through creating a digital platform for dialogue forums of various stakeholders, ‘Sustainable Together’ hoped to strengthen the impact and the visibility of projects and discussions on ecology and sustainability-related matters. The focus lies on working out sustainable approaches of living to actively contribute to shaping our future(s) and improve the quality of life for all communities. Besides Johannesburg, the Goethe-Instituts Addis Ababa, Kigali and Luanda are involved. In South Africa, the project is carried out in partnership with the British Council. In South Africa, as from 2020 the programme provided small grants to six South African-based organisations, creative practitioners and organisations whose focus is in the area of sustainable futures, with a specific focus on community-based practice and collaboration.The programme has also explored the potential of building an online community through webinars and hybrid formats in order to grow new audiences and access to a pan-African exchange on sustainability matters and explore sustainable approaches of living that might contribute to a long-term change of perspectives and ways of living.