Meet the 8 creatives working in our Hub@Goethe!

2 videos • 20 views • by Goethe-Institut Subsaharan Africa Our new Hub@Goethe is situated on the gallery level of the Goethe-Institut’s Library-Gamebox-Hub space. Eight workplaces are available for creative entrepreneurs who are working on an innovative and digital project. The seats are allocated according to a "call for applications" for a defined period of six months. Due to our focus on the field of digital games, projects in this area are preferred. The eight hubbers can present their project to the public twice during their stay at the Hub@Goethe. The hubbers will be provided with mentoring tailored to their needs, through individual mentoring and group mentoring. They are also encouraged to share and expand their knowledge through our eSkills Connect programme, which offers informal training sesions for the general public. The Goethe-Institut is striving for a network with other hubs in Johannesburg. The hubbers at the Hub@Goethe are then given the opportunity to exchange ideas and information informally with other hubs. Joint events will take place throughout the year. Hub@Goethe is realised in Cooperation with Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship at Hochschule Munich and the German Federal Foreign Office.