The Stair. Walter Gatti plays Ferrari, Mozetich, Gárdonyi, Östlund, Kioulaphides and himself.

17 videos • 157 views • by ignisetaeris -1. Jonathan Östlund (1975) "The Stair" "Courtesy of Divine Art Recordings" GBBDZ1830715 -2. Victor Kioulaphides (1961) "The Magi" -3. Zsolt Gárdonyi (1946) "Christ ist risen" -4. Jonathan Östlund Two Fantasias on Ancient Swedish Hymns "Flowers of Joy" "Courtesy of Divine Art Recordings" GBBDZ1830705 -5. Carlotta Ferrari (1975) "Toccata ut re mi fa sol la" -6. Victor Kioulaphides "Antiphon" -7. Jonathan Östlund "Winter Cathedral" "Courtesy of Divine Art Recordings" GBBDZ1830707 -8. Carlotta Ferrari "Toccata in modo gravitazionale" -9. Zsolt Gárdonyi "New Songs of Celebration Render" titolo originale "Örvendj egész föld az Istennek" -10. Jonathan Östlund Two Fantasias on Ancient Swedish Hymns "Song of the Shepherdess" "Courtesy of Divine Art Recordings" GBBDZ1830706 -11. Carlotta Ferrari "Introduzione e Passacaglia sul nome di Ryoko" -12. Zsolt Gárdonyi "O Sacred Head, Now Wounded" titolo originale "Ó Krisztusfő, te zúzott" -13. Walter Gatti (1962) Four humoral verses upon "Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott" (Sorely solemn - Amorphous ostinato - Oniric chant - French folies) -14. Zsolt Gárdonyi "Silent night" titolo originale "Stille Nacht" -15. Marjan Mozetich (1948) "Descent - Ascent" Hommage à J.S.Bach -16. Victor Kioulaphides "Ricercare a tutti i toni" -17. Zsolt Gárdonyi "All People That on Earth Do Dwell" titolo originale "Úrnak szolgái mindnyájan"