Motorcycles - home builds, reviews, first impressions and close calls

7 videos • 1,176 views • by Ray MAKES A collection of the motorcycles i have and ones i no longer have. Maybe a review or two. and any modification that i am doing to whichever current bike i might by riding. i am currency looking for a goldwing/valkyrie project to work on. so if i find a suitable candidate, i will definitely be posting video in this section. my foray into motorcycling began with the honda rebel that i bobbed out over one winter. i made every last bit on the bike except for what was stock or lenses for the lights. after putting 1000 miles on this bike i knew i needed something a little bigger. my second bike was the yamaha bolt. i started working on the bike by removing the plastic rocker covers but soon realized that the bike was really only intended to be ridden in a city environment, so i stopped making changes after the fist modification. my third and current bike (as of april 2016) is the BEAST of of bike the triumph rocket III. make no mistake this bike has no equal! no words could adequately describe this bike, but attempt to do so in the video of this series. the victory octane i include in this series because i happen to be at the dealer the day they unloaded the bikes from the truck...they are gorgeous!