International Conference on Dynamics in Systems and Synthetic Biology (DYNS^3BIO)

9 videos • 299 views • by Centre de Recerca Matemàtica Conference’s ​information This conference is intended to be a great opportunity to bring together scientists working in systems and synthetic biology and dynamicists. The combination of both plenary and short talks may allow senior and young researchers at their postdoctoral and predoctoral stages to expose recent developments and establish productive discussions. The possibility to mix scientists working in experimental and field data in systems and synthetic biology with scientists specialised in dynamical systems provides a unique opportunity to foster multidisciplinary and rigorous biology-based research. The generic topics to be discussed include (but are not restricted to): -Dynamical structures in biology -Bifurcations and transitions in systems and synthetic biology -Dynamical systems approaches to experimental and field data -Ecological dynamical systems -Virology and immunology -Cancer systems biology​ Organiz​ing Committee ​Tomás Alarcón ​ICREA-Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies, Centre de Recerca Matemàtica ​Santiago F. Elena ​Institute for Integrative Systems Biology CSIC-UV ​Susanna C. Manrubia ​Centro Nacional de Biotecnología CNB-CSIC ​Jordi Garcia-Ojalvo ​Universitat Pompeu Fabra ​Josep Sardanyés Centre de Recerca Matemàtica​​