Summer School on Qualitative Theory of Piecewise Ordinary Differential Equations

15 videos • 1,041 views • by Centre de Recerca Matemàtica The qualitative theory of differential equations studies the behavior of differential equations by means other than the search for their solutions. It started with the works of Henri Poincaré and Aleksandr Lyapunov. Relatively few differential equations can be solved explicitly, but using analysis and topology tools, they can be “solved” in a qualitative sense, obtaining information about their properties. Among others, the main interests in this field are the study of structural stability, bifurcations, integrability, the existence and number of periodic orbits, homoclinic and heteroclinic connections. This school will be structured in five mini-courses of 6 hours each in which the classic techniques for the study of some of the aforementioned concepts will be presented. In each course we will show the similarities and differences between smooth and non-smooth differential systems. The summer school is supported by the European RISE project Dynamics (H2020-MSCA-RISE-2017 – 777911, and Grup de Sistemes Dinàmics de la UAB (