4 videos • 193 views • by Crooklyn Masters This project was born out of the weirdest time in all of our lives.. The Pandemic of 2020. Like many of us, I found myself looking at an uncertain future.. Next to a new lover that was not so unknown that i could call them a "stranger".. BUT also not known well enough that I could rule them out as my Enemy more than my friend. Everything moved quickly, like hot. molasses! The songs of Love Slave Auction, each are a retelling -- hopefully visual enough to help you relate to where i was.. and maybe where you were too. BubbleGum.. was the beginning. Talking, vibing, getting close and experimenting with each other's boundaries. Telling one another where we had been while making new memories of where we might be going. It all felt GOOD! Good enough that we locked down with one another. The Moment -- Is just like it says... When I realized I thought I'd just lucked up on the best thing to happen to me in a minute -- during the worst time in the world. Thinking maybe I found Heaven ... and not thinking that heaven costs you! FLAGS... red flags started showing themselves. I didn't want to pay attention. The world was ending.. Outside and from within. Maybe we've all done it. Where you see them do something that just doesn't sit right... But you let it go. And then maybe they do something ELSE.. and you know now you saw that one... but you just watch. And because they're still engaged with you... you let it go. You let yourself not see what you saw. STAY LONGER... And it begins! It's obvious now.. They're moving differently. You want them to go back to how it just was a second ago. So you give it some grace.. when really you should've given them some distance. But we're all locked inside ... for months. Where ya gonna GO? Hmm where? LOVE SLAVE AUCTION / HOW I FEEL... It Done! It's Over. You're looking back now. Connecting the dots. Putting the pieces back in order and you realize. You never said .. what you should've the entire time. You watched it all like it was a movie happening. End of the World, No Certainty of Future, Love Lost... all so much happening. But now the dust settles. You're back outside now.. And you never just said -- What you needed to say! The Love Slave Auction... Who Has The Voice? Who Speaks For You.. When youre chained up inside. Well, these songs are what i had to say.. To shake my demons.. I hope you can dance along to the pain ... and laugh, relate & Enjoy!