Exposing Gearbox & 2k Studios...
93 videos • 5,340 views • by MorninAfterKill This series will outline and detail how Gearbox Software and 2K Studios under the direction of Randy Pitchford as CEO bought and paid for EVERY SINGLE BORDERLANDS YOUTUBER they could in order to defraud their customers into buying a broken game that barely functioned. This series will show how Ki11erSix, Joltzdude139, EpicNNG and the 2K NextMaker Stream Team lied, manipulated and gaslighted the entire Borderlands Community into buying in on Gearboxes idea of ''Toxic Positivity.'' Along the way I'll outline how they destroyed the reputation and careers of fellow Borderlands Youtubers MorninAfterKill, ManOfLowMoralFiber, VinylicPuma, ThiccFila, Bflattened, ItzTermx and SiegeOC. I'll also show how Gearbox and 2K Employees THEMSELVES both sanctioned and approved of these actions privately and publicly.