Ook Echte Wereld = Real World Too

38 videos • 3 views • by Begin 101 “The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.” -Albert Einstein - Do not participate in the absolute 'Classification disease' and 'Presentation disease'. Remember that your 'caring' is the normal component. Even if others only pretend to be their 'social' for their own gain. They will manipulate, steal and twist to their own advantage. - NOTE: These videos are only intended as COMMENTS, SUPPLEMENTS and INDICATIONS and (SEPERATELY) do not give any ADVICE, OPINION or OVERALL PICTURE on the basis of which you should make your (party) political choices or anything. It's really not a cartoon! - You're welcome to share your own Tips in the comments. Thank you! P.S. Conversations are not dictations. Educate or be educated. 🙃