7 videos • 1 views • by World Plant id INTERNATIONAL (int.) : FLAMING KATY, CHRISTMAS KALANCHOE INDONESIAN (idn.) : COCOR BEBEK BERBUNGA, CALANDIVA BOTANICAL NAME (scn.) : KALANCHOE BLOSSFELDIANA . Scientific classification : Kingdom : Plantae Clade : Tracheophytes Clade : Angiosperms Clade : Eudicots Order : Saxifragales Family : Crassulaceae Genus : Kalanchoe Species : Kalanchoe blossfeldiana Eng. Kalanchoe blossfeldiana is a commonly cultivated evergreen house plant of the genus Kalanchoe native to Madagascar. It is known by the English common names flaming Katy, Christmas kalanchoe, florist kalanchoe and Madagascar widow's-thrill. Kalanchoe blossfeldiana is a glabrous, bushy, evergreen and perennial succulent plant which (in 2–5 years) can reach an ultimate height of between 30 and 45 cm (12 and 18 in) and an ultimate spread of between 10 and 50 cm (4 and 19.5 in). K. blossfeldiana has a round habit and a moderate plant density; its growth rate has been described as 'slow'. The plant has green, shiny and textured glossy foliage which stays green all year round. The scallop-edged and ovate leaves are arranged in an opposite/subopposite fashion, are simple in type with crenate margins and an oblong shape. The arrangement of the veins in a leaf (venation) can be absent or very hard to see; the leaf blades are 5–10 cm (2–4 in) long. Ind. Cocor bebek berbunga (Kalanchoe blossfeldiana) adalah spesies tanaman hias berbunga yang berasal dari genus kalanchoe atau cocor-bebek yang berasal dari Afrika. Sesuai namanya, tanaman ini termasuk keluarga tumbuhan cocor bebek namun lebih sering berbunga, sehingga diminati sebagai tanaman hias. Kalanchoe blossfeldiana memiliki warna bunga pada cocor bebek ini terkesan ceria, umumnya berwarna merah menyala, tapi ada juga yang berwarna kuning, oranye, dan merah muda. Tanaman jenis ini tingginya bisa mencapai 30 cm. Cocok sekali untuk dijadikan hiasan.