3 videos • 4 views • by World Plant id INTERNATIONAL (int.) : GRAPE HYACINTH INDONESIAN (idn.) : HYACINTH ANGGUR BOTANICAL NAME (scn.) : MUSCARI SP. Scientific classification : Kingdom : Plantae Clade : Tracheophytes Clade : Angiosperms Clade : Monocots Order : Asparagales Family : Asparagaceae Subfamily : Scilloideae Genus : Muscari Eng. Muscari is a genus of perennial bulbous plants native to Eurasia that produce spikes of dense, most commonly blue, urn-shaped flowers resembling bunches of grapes in the spring. The common name for the genus is grape hyacinth (a name which is also used for the related genera Leopoldia and Pseudomuscari, which were formerly included in Muscari), but they should not be confused with hyacinths. A number of species of Muscari are used as ornamental garden plants. The genus Muscari originated in the Old World, including the Mediterranean basin, central and Southern Europe, northern Africa, western, central and south-western Asia. It has become naturalized elsewhere, including Northern Europe and the United States. Ind. Muscari adalah genus tanaman berumbi abadi asli Eurasia yang menghasilkan bunga berbentuk guci yang lebat, paling sering berwarna biru, menyerupai tandan anggur di musim semi. Nama umum untuk genus ini adalah Grape Hyacinth (nama yang juga digunakan untuk genera terkait Leopoldia dan Pseudomuscari, yang sebelumnya termasuk dalam Muscari), tetapi tidak sama dengan Hyacinth. Sejumlah spesies Muscari dimanfaatkan sebagai tanaman hias taman. Genus Muscari berasal dari Dunia Lama, termasuk cekungan Mediterania, Eropa tengah dan Selatan, Afrika utara, Asia barat, tengah dan barat daya. Ini telah dinaturalisasi di tempat lain, termasuk Eropa Utara dan Amerika Serikat.