9 videos • 17 views • by World Plant id INTERNATIONAL (int.) : AGLAONEMA, CHINESE EVERGREEN INDONESIAN (idn.) : AGLAONEMA, SRI REJEKI BOTANICAL NAME (scn.) : AGLAONEMA Scientific classification : Kingdom : Plantae Clade : Tracheophytes Clade : Angiosperms Clade : Monocots Order : Alismatales Family : Araceae Subfamily : Aroideae Tribe : Aglaonemateae Genus : Aglaonema Eng. Aglaonema have been grown as luck-bringing ornamental plants in Asia for centuries. They were introduced to the West in 1885, when they were first brought to the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. They have been cultivated, hybridized, and bred into a wide array of cultivars. They live in low-light conditions and are popular houseplants. This mainly tropical genus is known for its intolerance of cold temperatures. Chilling injury can begin at 15 °C (59 °F). The injury manifests in dark, greasy-looking patches on the foliage. Cultivars have been selected for their shape and size, and especially for the color and pattern of the leaves. Many have white or cream-colored stems. Some have also been developed to tolerate colder temperatures. The most common cultivar is 'Silver Queen', which has gained the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit. Most propagation of Aglaonema is done with cuttings and by dividing the basal shoots. Care of the houseplant involves protecting it from cold temperatures and excessive sunlight and removing any inflorescences that develop, which can prolong the life of the plant. It requires moist soil, and while some cultivars require a small amount of fertilizer, plants are easily injured when oversupplemented. Aglaonema are prone to false mites (Brevipalpus californicus). They may also acquire populations of nematodes, such as root-knot nematodes and Pratylenchus species, which cause root lesions. Pathogens include the fungus Myrothecium roridum and bacteria such as Pseudomonas cichorii, Erwinia chrysanthemi, and Xanthomonas campestris, which can all cause leaf spot. Colletotrichum fungi can cause anthracnose. Ind. Aglaonema (bahasa Indonesia: Sri rezeki) adalah tanaman hias populer dari suku talas-talasan atau Araceae. Genus Aglaonema memiliki sekitar 30 spesies. Mereka berasal dari daerah tropis dan subtropis di Asia dan Nugini. Mereka umumnya dikenal sebagai Chinese evergreens. Habitat asli tanaman ini adalah di bawah hutan hujan tropis, tumbuh baik pada areal dengan intensitas penyinaran rendah dan kelembaban tinggi. Tanaman ini memiliki akar serabut serta batang yang tidak berkambium (berkayu). Daun menyirip serta memiliki pembuluh pengangkut berupa xilem dan floem yang tersusun secara acak. Kini berbagai macam Aglaonema hibrida telah berhasil dikembangkan dengan penampilan tanaman yang sangat menarik dengan bermacam-macam warna, bentuk, dan ukuran daun sehingga jauh berbeda dari spesies alami.