Mandala Meditationen für die 7 Chakren

8 videos • 3,839 views • by sein Selbst sein The 7 chakras are energy centers in the human body. You can activate them with this powerful Mandala Meditations. 1. Chakra : Muladhara - root chakra 2. Chakra : Svadhishthana - sacral chakra 3. Chakra : Manipura - solar plexus / navel chakra 4. Chakra : Anahata - heart chakra 5. Chakra : Vishuddha - throat chakra 6. Chakra : Ajna - third-eye chakra 7. Chakra : Sahasrara - crown chakra Theese 7 Meditations with healing Music are perfect for reaching a deeper state of consciousness and self-healing. Enjoy with high quality meditative sounds. Thank you for watching. ------------------------------------------------ Video, Fotos and Music by