Soaking in our Bridegrooms Love - Jesus

71 videos • 7,665 views • by Father's Heart International Ministries This playlist will really help you connect with the Love of Jesus. He is your Bridegroom and loves you no matter what. Oh how You love me. You knew me before I was born, You formed me in my mothers womb. I am always in Your thoughts, there is never a time You are not thinking good things about me. Your love is deeper than any trial I have to face, higher than any mountain I have to overcome, wider than any ocean I have to cross and longer than any road I have to travel. You are the One who lives and sees me -- (Lahai-Roi). You are the forth man in the fire; You never ever leave nor forsake me. My Faithful Friend that sticks closer than a brother. You always go with me through each test and trial. My Intercessor Who ever lives to intercede for me; my faithful High Priest. You feel my pain and You weep with me.