3rd Future-IoT: IoT meets Security

16 videos • 415 views • by PahlDE “IoT meets Security” in Strasbourg is the 3rd edition of the Future IoT PhD school series. It follows “IoT meets Industry (2018, St Malo)” and “IoT meets AI (2019, Munich)”. The Internet of Things (IoT) connects a plethora of devices. It allows programmers to interact with the physical environment. This brings many fascinating challenges and opportunities but also risks. In our summer school we will introduce you to the fascinating world of the Industrial Internet of Things, the IoT that makes factories run. You will learn about many different aspects from device manufacturing over communication protocol and semantics to application management. This year’s edition has the title “IoT meets Security”. Besides interoperability, security is a central challenge for today’s IoT. Imagine a robot going crazy and killing workers, or a car doing mass surveillance and sharing information about the people in its neighbourhood to remote storages. We will discover attacks and protection mechanisms together with you not only theoretical but hands on in the challenges provided directly from the factories and research labs of our industrial partners! The Future IoT summer school offers an appealing mix of lectures, hands-on tutorial, and hackathon challenges. There is also a lot of room for getting to know each other, networking, and exploring our hosting city! The organizers come from the best institutions in France and Germany, the Institut Mines Telecom (IMT) Atlantique and the Technical University of Munich (TUM). Our partners are the most relevant companies in the field that might become your future employers.