Summer Months (June, July, August)

55 videos • 496 views • by Maine Wildlife Trail Videos Summer The summer months include June, July, and August. This is the busiest time for wildlife movement throughout my woods for sheer volume as well as wildlife variety. You can expect to see large mammals such as Black Bear, Moose, and Whitetail Deer; furbearers such as Coyote, Fox, Bobcat, Raccoon, Skunk, short- and long-tailed Weasels; and small mammals such as Porcupine, eastern Chipmunk, New England Cottontail rabbit, Snowshoe Hare, and Red Squirrel; game birds such as Ruffed Grouse and Eastern Wild Turkey and numerous wood peckers and song birds. You never know what you are going see on the weekly videos. June is the month of new life. The buds on the trees have blossomed into leaves, ground foliage is sprouting to become a knee-high jungle of green. And a new generation of little ones begin to show themselves. Newly born, wobbly leg fawns, can be seen with their mothers. Eastern wild turkey poults, the size of a fist, frequent field edges and forest openings in search of insects for protein as hens stand guard. A mother bear and her cubs travel the woods roads as they move from feeding grounds. … to where? Maybe you mean “between” feeding grounds, instead of from? By July, the polka dotted fawns can be seen darting back and forth between the boundary of my woods and fields as they play among each other. The young turkeys are now football sized and are beginning to roost in trees greatly reducing their vulnerability to predators. By August the young are well on their way of developing into young adults.