Fall Months (September, October, November)

49 videos • 1,126 views • by Maine Wildlife Trail Videos Fall The fall months include September, October, and November. In September and October, the forest canopy turns from green to a variety of autumn reds, oranges, and yellows as the temperatures begin to cool. Maine wildlife scurry with heightened attention to gather and feast in preparation of November snow and the upcoming winter. By November, the deciduous trees have shed their leaves and the fawn have shed their spots. The fur of the whitetail deer changes from reddish golden-brown to grayish brown having abandoned their breathable summer coat for their heavily insulated winter coat. The velvet on a buck’s antlers has dropped. Displaying their hardened, polished crown of antlers advertises their dominance. Bears are active in late fall if food is plentiful. In years when fall foods are abundant, bears will feed until snow makes travel difficult, and normally enter dens in late November. If late fall food is scarce, bears usually enter dens in October.