Timewalking Dungeon Event: Burning Crusade, Wrath of the Lich King, Cataclysm, Mists of Pandaria, Warlords of Draenor, Legion | Get All Rewards
4 videos • 30 views • by Warcraft Quest Guide World of Warcraft's 2024 Timewalking Calendar outlines 18 weekly events throughout the year. These events rotate through different expansions every 3rd week, running from 7:00 AM to 6:00 AM realm time on specific dates. Timewalking adjusts character and gear levels to match dungeon difficulty. Loot from these events, called Timewarped, scales to the player's power level. Dungeon Events Schedule: Burning Crusade: September 17-24 Vendor: Cupri in Shattrath City, Outlands Black Temple raid available (10-30 players) Wrath of the Lich King: October 8-15 Vendor: Auzin in Old Dalaran, Northrend Ulduar raid available (10-30 players) Cataclysm: October 29-November 5 Vendor: Kiatke in Stormwind City/Orgrimmar Firelands raid available (10-30 players) Mists of Pandaria: November 19-26 Vendor: Mistweaver Xia, Timeless Isle, Pandaria Warlords of Draenor: December 10-17 Vendors: Tempra (Alliance) and Kronnus (Horde) in Ashran, Draenor Legion: December 31-January 7 Vendor: Aridormi, Krasus Landing, Dalaran Players level 60+ can access Timewalking dungeons via Dungeon Finder. Completing 5 dungeons rewards current Normal raid item level gear. The Timewalking Calendar offers players chances to revisit past content, earn rewards, and experience nostalgic challenges from different expansions.