World Quests | War Within
83 videos • 174 views • by Warcraft Quest Guide These quests are usually quite short and simple, appearing all over the Dragon Isles, just like in previous versions. World Quests can be used as a way to get gear as soon as you hit the Level cap since they provide a number of useful rewards for your character. In World of Warcraft, quests are separated into several broad categories: Solo quests — the most common kind. Group quests — suggested for more than 1 player. Dungeon quests — objective of the quest is inside an instance. Heroic quests — objective of the quest is inside a Heroic-mode version of an instance. Legendary quests — usually the main story-line, such as the War Campaign Raid quests — objective of the quest is inside a raid instance or involves a raid boss. PvP quests — quests that require you to complete them while flagged for PvP. Repeatable quests — can be soloable or for groups with the primary intention to boost reputation with a faction. Daily quests — special repeatable type of solo quest introduced in The Burning Crusade for those at the level cap to primarily generate money, but changed in Wrath of the Lich King to be used more as an RRQ also. Seasonal quests — available only for limited periods of time and often related to events or holidays. Bonus Objectives — objectives for entering certain areas.