Emerald Dream & Amirdrassil Quests Main, Side, Daily, Weekly | Wow Dragonflight

119 videos • 6,280 views • by Warcraft Quest Guide The Emerald Dream is an expansive outdoor activity zone that will be introduced in Patch 10.2, Guardians of the Dream. As the central hub for Patch 10.2, it offers a wide range of new content and activities for players to engage in. However, with the abundance of options available, players may initially feel overwhelmed when navigating through the Emerald Dream. That's where our comprehensive Emerald Dream guide comes in. We aim to provide you with all the essential information and tips to make your journey through this new zone a smooth and enjoyable experience. So, why should you venture into the Emerald Dream in Patch 10.2? Well, there are plenty of reasons to do so! Here are some of the main highlights: Grind Renown Reputation: The Emerald Dream introduces a new faction called the Dream Wardens. By grinding reputation with them, known as Renown, you can unlock various rewards such as the Dreambound Augment Rune. These reputation gains can be achieved through different activities in the Emerald Dream. Flightstones and Gear Upgrades: Another exciting feature in the Emerald Dream is the Flightstones, a new currency introduced in Patch 10.1. These Flightstones can be obtained from different sources within the zone, including World Quests, zone events, rare spawns, and treasure chests. They can be used to upgrade your Dragonflight Season 3 gear, enhancing your character's power and capabilities. Collection Items Galore: If you're a collector at heart, the Emerald Dream is a treasure trove waiting to be explored. From a plethora of pets, mounts, toys, transmogs, to achievements, there's no shortage of items to add to your collection. So, get ready to embark on a journey of discovery and gather these prized possessions. Now, let's address some common questions you may have about the Emerald Dream: Can I Fly or Dragonride in the Emerald Dream? Absolutely! As soon as you enter the Emerald Dream for the first time in Patch 10.2, you will be able to use your Dragonriding mounts to soar through the skies. The zone itself is comparable in size to Zaralek Cavern, ensuring plenty of ground to explore and cover. Unlocking the Emerald Dream: The Emerald Dream becomes accessible after completing the first quest of the Patch 10.2 storyline, called "Call of the Dream." This quest is automatically received when you log in for the first time in Patch 10.2. To skip this questline on future characters, you can use the item "Shandris's Scouting Report," which is provided during the "Call of the Dream" quest. However, to unlock the main features of the Emerald Dream, such as World Quests and the Dream Wardens faction, you must progress through Chapter 1 of the Guardians of the Dream storyline, titled "Enter the Dream." Guardians of the Dream Storyline: In addition to unlocking the Emerald Dream, Patch 10.2 introduces an immersive story questline that delves into various events within the zone. From the opening of the Emerald Dream to encounters with the Druids of the Flame and the formidable Fyrakk, the Primal Incarnate, the storyline covers an array of captivating narratives. There are a total of 6 chapters, with a new chapter releasing weekly. Completing this storyline rewards you with the sixth Dragonriding mount of Dragonflight, the whimsical and magical Flourishing Whimsydrake. How to Reach the Emerald Dream: The Emerald Dream is a phased zone located in the Dragon Isles. The main entrance to the Emerald Dream can be found in Ohn'ahran Plains, situated on the western side of the zone near the Ancient Bough. You will first traverse through this portal during the second quest of the Patch 10.2 Campaign, "Emerald Welcome." Additionally, once you complete "Emerald Welcome," a one-way portal to the Emerald Dream will open in Valdrakken, near the Emerald Enclave. This portal leads to the Central Encampment of Amirdrassil and remains accessible account-wide once unlocked. These are just some of the key aspects and activities you can expect in the Emerald Dream. From reputation farming and hunting for Flightstones to engaging in weekly quests and events like Superblooms, there's a vast array of content to explore and enjoy. The Emerald Dream truly offers something for everyone, whether you're an endgame PvE player or a dedicated collector. So, gear up, hop on your Dragonriding mount, and dive into the wonders of the Emerald Dream in Patch 10.2, Guardians of the Dream!