Γνῶθι Σεαυτόν: The Ancient Art of Self-Transformation
3 videos • 377 views • by SEIKILO Ancient World Music Aristotle tells us that the first Oracle, Priestess at Delphi, bore the name Phēmonoē: She who speaks the mind of God. Now Chilōn, the Sage of Sparta, made a pilgrimage to ask her: "What is the most important thing for a human being to learn?" And Phēmonoē replied: ΓΝΩΘΙ ΣΕΑΥTΟΝ. 👀 Tune in for a New Episode at the beginning of each month! 🍿 A Brand New Mini-Series at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... What do some of the greatest minds of the ancient world—such as Aristotle, Plato, and Diotima—have in common? What is the "Scale of Virtues," and how is it connected with the Oracle of Delphi? In this brand new mini-series, we unlock the secrets of the ancient "Scale of Aretē" and the philosophy of self-transformation behind it. In 8 episodes, we will unlock all the seven steps needed to achieve self-transformation with the help of the ancient lyre and a true classical scholar, Dr. Michael Griffin, from the University of British Columbia. 🎬 Episodes' List: 01: Know Thyself — Unlock the Delphic Maxim (Introduction) 02: Know Thyself in Physis, the Nature of Our Bodies 03: Know Thyself in Ethos, the Habits of Our Character 04: Know Thyself in Politea, the Harmonis of Our Soul 05: Know Thyself in Katharis, the Freedom of Our Mind 06: Know Thyself in Theoria, the Vision of Beauty 07: Know Thyself in Paradeigma, the Union with Our Gods 08: Know Thyself in Enthousiasmos, the Inspiration of True Love 🔴 For more videos like this, subscribe to our channel: https://www.youtube.com/seikilo?sub_c... 🟠 Find the perfect lyre for you at https://luthieros.com/ 👩🎓 Learn how to play the lyre and other ancient musical instruments at https://lyreacademy.com/choose-your-n...