Free Lyre Course
10 videos • 4,855 views • by SEIKILO Ancient World Music 🔵 Get access to all 7 free lessons by registering for free at Watch exclusively on SEIKILO Channel a series of free lessons for learning to play the lyre, specially designed for newcomers by Lina Palera and! This is part of a whole online course, aim to put you on the right track for an amazing journey to come of learning to play the lyre! Lesson 01 | Meet Your Lyre I cannot teach people anything. I can only make them think. — Socrates Let’s separate ourselves from the vast majority of the lyre enthusiasts out there, and lay down the foundations to start playing our lyre with both hands! What is the right way to hold your instrument? How to secure it using a telamonas (an ancient hand strap)? Why is it so important to play with both hands? Lesson 02 | Tune Your Lyre to Perfection Musical innovation is full of danger to the State, for when modes of music change, the fundamental laws of the State always change with them. — Plato Based on Plato's monumental work, The Republic, ancient lyre players possessed a great power that extended far beyond music and entertainment. They had the power to even change the State's laws, as long as they could... tune their lyre! Let's find out what are the right steps and the right tool to perfectly tune your lyre, and discuss some of the upcoming potentials that you will face (sooner or later) by changing the tuning between different ancient and modern scales/modes to evoke different feelings to your audience! Lesson 03 | Play Like the Ancient Greeks! Music gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination. ― Plato Find out what an ancient pick looked like, and how it was used by the lyre players. Why was so important to learn how to play the lyre using a plectrum (a pick) in ancient Greece, and how it can be used today to help you advance your lyre playing quickly and expand your music repertoire to include both ancient and modern melodies. Lesson 04 | Unlock Your Lyre’s True Potential Music has the power of producing a certain effect on the moral character of the soul. ― Aristotle It is time to unlock our lyre's true potentials, by start using all the fingers of our right hand. We are going to add them one by one, following simple steps, until you will realize that with this simple approach only the “sky is the limit” for this amazing ancient-inspired string instrument. Lesson 05 | Exercise Like the Ancient Did! Practice is everything. — Periander You might have heard that dozens of ancient Greek melodies survive to this day, most of them partially, and at least one of them in total; the Seikilos Epitaph. What you probably don't know though, is that several of these surviving melodies are actually... exercises for wannabe lyre players! Let’s practice with one of them, the so-called “Tetrasimon”; a simple but so effective exercise straight out from ancient Greece! Lesson 06 | Two Hands Lyre Playing We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not an act but a habit. — Aristotle Take a moment to observe the world around you, and you will soon realize that most lyre enthusiasts play the lyre using just one hand. It is easier, we get it, but by doing so, they drastically limit their instrument's potentials; they actually doom their lyre to be an inferior musical instrument compared to other modern ones. Let’s stand out from the crowd at this lesson, add the left hand, and make a huge difference to our playing. Lesson 07 | Your First Melody Will be Metallica! Rhythm and harmony find their way into the inward places of the soul. — Plato Did you know that by using simple playing techniques (such as two hands playing, harmonics, string pressing, arpeggios, et cetera) you will quickly unlock hundreds of world-renowned ancient and modern melodies, spreading on a staggering three millennia time span? Let’s see for yourself by learning your first modern song on the lyre, The Unforgiven by the great Metallica, in less than 8 minutes!