2 videos • 0 views • by MD REVO INSPIRED BY QAB. "THE EMPIRE MIND OF THE WHITE MAN" SERIES - Over the course of six months, I've been researching and studying the mentality and behavior of the elite white men and women in America. I wanted to know why they were so powerful in America, and I wanted to know, their attitudes and feeling towards black people and other ethnic groups in the world. So I interviewed a group of "elite" white men and white women, who have achieved power and status in America. And then, I interviewed a group of black men and black women, who also have acquired similar power in America. And another group that felt they were denied power and status in America, because of their skin color and systemic racism. I asked a lot of questions and received a lot of disturbing answers. What I learned was informative and astounding, and I'm here to share it with you. Thank you for listening. Like. Share. And express your honest comments.